Finance Council

2024 05 Financials

2024 04 Financials

2024 03 Financials

2024 02 Financials

2024 01 Financials

2023 Fourth Quarter Financials

2023 Third Quarter Financials

2023 Second Quarter Financials

2023 First Quarter Financials


  • Fr. Robert Dielissen (medical leave)
  • Fr. Thomas Vadassery
  • Deacon Ted d’Haêne
  • Chebelle Vaguez
  • Charley Revoy
  • Mark Meuchel
  • Mary Pat Roche
  • Alexander Akaahs
  • Wanda Stroeder
  • Leon Ramler – Chair

Purpose of Parish Finance Council:

The Parish Finance Council is an advisory body for the Pastor on temporal matters.  The Pastor looks to his Council for sound financial guidance and assistance serving the Pastor as a corporate finance officer might serve their president.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that appropriate internal controls and safeguards are in place
  • Directing the preparation of the annual budget
  • Monitoring actual financial results